Thursday, September 23, 2010

Design Night

(Just a little break from the London Fashion Week. I have some posts for you ready, but I can't skip the post about Design Week. So tomorrow I'll continue with the fashion week...)

Today the Design Festival Design Night Tallinn started again; it is an annual design festival.

I checked out the programme and found some interesting fashion shows I would like to attend.

On Saturday at 6 pm fashion show named "Design at Your Service" and on Sunday at 7 pm a show "Out of Fashion" tooks place. I will be there!

Check the programme:

Lilli Jahilo's collection, photo: Indrek Arula

Tallinn Dolls designers (Liisi Eesmaa & Karolin Kuusik) and the promotor of the brand (Mari Martin), Photo: Laura Kallasvee
check their website:

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